Thursday 7 June 2012

Pancake Recipe

My friend, Fatimah had requested the recepi of pancake. I didn't put any of picture since there are pancake picture from My last post. So, here comes the recipes.. (Malay version)


1¼ cawan tepung gandum
2 teasp. Baking powder
¼ teasp. Garam
3 tblesp. Gula
1 telur
1 cawan susu (susu biasa je) [2 cawan susu jika buat crêpe]
Buah2an if nak
1. Cmpur dry ingredient skli. Gaul bg sebati.
2. Then tmbh wet ingredient. Masukkan susu secara berperingkat dan kacau sebati
3. Panaskan pan dgn suhu low. Ratakan butter atas pan.
4. Tuang adunan dlm pan, & cpat2 campakkan buah if nk.
5. if bubble kecik da start bubble, flip pancake tu.
6. Biarkan slmt 1 minit n angkat

*Jgn bubuh adunan terlalu byk.. agak2 je
Untuk crêpe, masak nipis2 atas pan

So, enjoy!!!!

p/s : cawan yang digunakan adalah bersaiz 0.2L

1 comment:

  1. susu tu any susu or specific susu?
    tepung tu tepung gandum???


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