Saturday, 31 May 2014

Khatm of Al-Qur'an

It has been a month since I started One Day, One Juz (ODOJ). Alhamdulillah, after a few ups and downs, I managed to finish reading the Al-Qur'an. Khatm is define as to finish reading/reciting the whole Al-Qur'an or book of hadith from the beginning until the end. In a Malay culture, the Khatm of Al-Qur'an is celebrated with a small(or sometimes big) ceremony. The person who has finish reading an Al-Qur'an will be the centre of attention. The main food will be Pulut Kuning which is a sticky rice cooked with coconut milk and turmeric powder. And as to celebrate myself for Khatm of Al-Qur'an, I cooked Rendang Ayam and Pulut Kuning and ate it together with my friends. I really missed eating Pulut!

I edited the picture wrongly! The Rendang appeared red when it should appear brown

Pulut Kuning ver. tanak

Beras pulut
Serbuk kunyit (If buat pulut untuk kuih tak perlu serbuk kunyit)

  1. Rendam beras pulut selama 1 ke 2 jam.
  2. Campur air dan santan ikut nisbah yang disukai. 
  3. Pastikan sukatan campuran santan tadi kurang sikit daripada jumlah sukatan air untuk tanak nasi. Guna sistem jari 
    sukatan air guna jari masak tanak nasi
  4. Didihkan campuran air santan dalam periuk dan masukkan serbuk kunyit ikut tahap kekuningan yabg dikehendaki.
  5. Bila air dah mendidih, buang air rendaman dan masukkan beras pulut.
  6. Tanak beras pulut macam tanak nasi - bila air dah kering, perlahankan api dan tutup periuk.
  7. Tutup api bila pulut dah masak.

- ada cara masak yang aku jumpa kat internet guna periuk nasi tapi mama aku kata kalau masak guna periuk nasi nanti dia tendang suis tu awal padahal pulut tak masak lagi. Aku tak berani la nak cuba. Alhamdulillah buat guna cara ni lawa je pulut dia -

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Kepoh : "B@b! Punya Cadbury"

Walaupun ada aku ada Facebook, kadar ketersampaian sesebuah berita dari Malaysia kepada aku adalah sangat slow. Sebagai contoh, semalam aku tak faham awat la rakyat marhaen Perak patriotik bebenor dok post gambar bendera perak. Hari ni baru aku tahu yang rupa-rupanya Sultan Perak mangkat. Innalillah.

Sebelum tu, penuh News Feed aku dengar kemarahan member terhadap Cadbury. Member aku kata ada DNA babi dalam 2 product coklat Cadbury. Aku pun terkejut! sebab coklat Cadbury tu macam coklat kegemaran Malaysia. Tapi aku lega juga sebab aku dah lama tak makan coklat kat Malaysia. Sejak tingkatan 5 lagi. Bajet matang. Aku start makan coklat balik pun dekat Jerman ni. Sebab nafsu yang tak tertahan melihat setiap pasaraya ada satu rak besar khas untuk coklat semata-mata. Kalau tengah ada Rabatt tu, coklat yang besar tu harga dia €1 je! Memang memborong bawak balik Malaysia la.

OK. Aku bukan nak cerita pasal coklat. Aku nak cerita pasal orang. Alhamdulillah buat masa ni, komen2 tak masuk akal tentang isu DNA Porcine dalam coklat Cadbury tak keluar dari mulut kawan2 aku. Yang sedihnya, komen2 sedemikian rupa keluar dari wakil2 NGO Islam yang dikatakan "mewakili suara penganut agama islam di Malaysia". Beberapa hari lepas aku tengok video kat YouTube yang seorang wakil NGO ni menyuruh Cadbury bayar kos cuci darah umat islam kat Malaysia! Ini over.

Wakil NGO ni bercakap kesan coklat yang tercemar dengan porcine ni daripada 2 aspek - Psikologi dan Fizikal. Dia quote perumpamaan famous " We are what we eat". Katanya, benda haram yang kita makan tu dah jadi darah daging kita. Secara tak langsung kita jadi malas solat, malas nak beribadah. paling tak boleh tahan, dia kata "Silap2 haribulan muka kita pun dah nampak sebiji macam khinzir". Dari segi fizikal, dia kata kalau boleh dia nak suruh Cadbury pergi research lab mana2 dan bayar kos tukar/cuci darah umat islam kat Malaysia. Kemudian seorang wakil NGO yang lain pula kata dia menangis kerana terberi anaknya makan coklat yang tercemar tersebut.

We are what we eat.
Pada pendapat aku, perumpamaan ni membawa dua maksud- aspek kesihatan dan rohani. Pada yang aku faham, kalu dari segi kesihatan fizikalnya, perumpamaan ni membawa maksud : Kalau makanan yang kita telan tu tak sihat, maka tak sihatlah badan. kalau dari segi rohaninya pula, Hadis ke-10 (daripada hadis 40) pun ada mention kalau kita makan makanan yang haram DENGAN SENGAJA, doa susah nak makbul. Tapi dalam isu chocolate cadbury ni kita tak tahu, kita tak sengaja. Aku tak setuju la bila dia kata kita dah termakan coklat yang ada babi, nanti kita jadi malas beribadah. Kalau dah memang sejak azali malas, tak payah nak salahkan babi. Kadang2 orang yang revert, yang dulu sememangnya makan pork lagi rajin nak bangun solat dari kita yang tak pernah nak sentuh pork ni. Kita tak payah beria nak menyalahkan khinzir atas sebab kekurangan kita

Mak Cik A : Kau tahu, anak aku dah malas nak bangkit subuh. Ni mesti sebab makan coklat Cadbury yang dapat kat kenduri hari tu.

Cuci/tukar Darah
Secara tetibe semua jadi kisah apa yang ada kat dalam darah daging kita yang termakan coklat cadbury ni. Kita sensitif sungguh bila dengar perkataan babi/khinzir/pork. Dan secara automatiknya, semua orang akan tahu yang benda alah tu haram. Dah tu, yang merokok tu, yang sara keluarga dengan makan duit rasuah tu, yang tak tutup aurat tu tak pernah pulak nak kisah. Yang tu pun patutnya semua orang tahu sememangnya haram. Patutnya secara automatik perkataan Haram yang keluar daripada mulut kita ni bila orang sebut Rokok/Rasuah/Tak tutup Aurat.
Islam tu mudah. Kita bukan sengaja dok pi telan porcine tu. Kita tak tahu. Yang dok rumitkan keadaan cakap pasal tukar/cuci darah la, kumur2 dengan air tanah la pasai pa? Aku tak tahu la berapa kali aku perlu tekankan yang Islam tu mudah. Kalau sungguh la ajaran islam kata macam tu, payah la orang nak revert to islam, nak kne cuci/tukar darah bagai. Dalam Al-Qur'an pun ada cakap berkenaan hal tak sengaja atau tak tahu ni :

Boikot Cadbury
Aku tak dapat nak nafikan yang agak susah untuk Cadbury berniaga di Malaysia selepas isu porcine dalam coklat ni. Orang islam sangat particular dengan makanan halal. Mungkin dua produk je yang tercemar, tapi bila kita dah was2 kat produk2 yang lain, memang kita tak makan dah. Dah syubhah. Tapi dalam korang sibuk nak boikot Cadbury ni kan, alang2 aku nak juga ajak korang boikot Starbucks, Nestle, McDonald dan produk2 yang berkaitan dengan Israhell ni. Kadang2 aku malu tengok orang2 kat eropah ni sangat bersemangat melaksanakan kempen Boycott, Diverse and Sanction terhadap barangan Israhell ni. Diorang yang bukan islam ni lagi sedar. Umat islam kita kat Malaysia pulak seronok enjoy Green Tea Frappiato dari Starbucks. Mama aku pun cakap dia nak boikot produk Cadbury. Dan aku pun mention benda yang sama : Boikot produk Israhell sekali. Tak tahu mana lagi barangan keluaran Israhell? Nah, tekan link ni.

Isu Cadbury buat aku sedar satu benda. Kita tak boleh amalkan agama ikut suka kita yang mana best. Babi haram kita ambil, rasuah haram kita buat tak endah.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi

Aku baru perasan. Dalam banyak2 resepi aku tulis kat blog ni, resepi lauk kegemaran aku tak ada! Macam mana la boleh lupa lauk penting macam tu. Jadi, seperti yang tajuk kat atas ni dah maklumkan, hari ni aku akan kongsi resepi ayam masak lemak cili padi or bahasa mudah yang aku selalu pakai masa kecil ayam masak kuning daripada mak aku. Aku ingat lagi masa aku mula2 minta resepi ni daripada mama, mama pelik kenapa aku tak google je. Obvious answer will be : Aku nak masak sebijik macam mama masak.
Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi  

gambar dari kamera tablet, so tak lawa sangat.

Serbuk kunyit / kunyit hidup
Cili padi
Bawang besar (optional)
Kentang (optional) - Dipotong bite size

1. Blend air, serbuk kunyit dan cili padi. Bilangan cili padi adalah mengikut tahap kepedasan yang dikehendaki. Serbuk kunyit agak2 tapi tak perlu banyak sangat sebab untuk warna kuning semata-mata. Optional : boleh blend bawang besar sekali.
2. Panaskan sesudu makan minyak panas. Kemudian masukkan bahan blend tadi beserta serai.
3. Bila kuah mula nak mendidih, masukkan ayam dan kentang. Tutup periuk
4. Bila ayam dah masak dan kentang dah lembut, perlahankan api.
5. Kemudian tambah santan sedikit demi sedikit sambil merasa.
6. Perasakan dengan garam dan biarkan selama 3 minit.
7. Hidangkan.
Aku rasa lauk resepi daripada mama ni versi Negeri Sembilan sebab tiada sebarang aktiviti menumis diperlukan. Ayam masak lemak cili padi ni sangat la mudah dan senang lebih2 lagi bila kita prepare awal2. Contoh macam aku buat, malam sebelum aku masak aku akan prepare 4 benda : bahan blend, ayam dah siap dibersihkan dan defrost, kentang dah siap kupas dan santan. So bila aku balik dari kelas dalam keadaan lapar, aku hanya perlu tanak nasi kemudian masak lauk ni. Paling cepat aku pernah buat 20 minit. Kira lauk ni lauk malas aku la...  

Diharap resepi ni bermanfaat untuk sesiapa yang mencari.
Gambar yang lebih baik akan menyusul nanti. Heheheh.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Rant : ADHD

In today's Era of technology and internet, people can become famous easily and instantly. For example, upload a stupid funny video to YouTube and become famous when the video get viral.

Anything can be viral anywhere. In Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or even a blog. I'd say rarely a blog. There are a few famous blogs that are good. With thousands of followers, beautiful and clean design of blog and the most important things, the quality of every new blogpost. I have followed a few of them, such as Cursing Malay, Angel Pakai Gucci, amd Shea Rasol's blog.

So, What is your point?
Nothing. I was bored waiting for Maghrib to break my Fast. Seriously, I regret no clearing all my Fasting's debts during winter. The duration for fasting will be a lot shorter that right now. The Hunger! Straight from 3.22 am until 9.00 pm. Another one and a half hours to go!

Why blog?
I actually never thought about it. My first debut in blogging was horrible. I never knew how to control my writing. The blog was awful! I already deleted it. I start this blog when I first came to Germany. Most of my early posts were short with only one picture. I don't know why I don't choose Tumblr. I guess I blog because I want to share something. Something useful with other people. Something that I have tried myself. Famous? Nah, it's already beneath me. I once think about that but then again I feel like I'm wasting my time.

Ever feel the need to change?
Constantly! I'm changing and I'll keep changing, for my own good. I started ODOJ - one day one juzu' a few weeks ago, Alhamdulillah it keep getting better and better. I start getting familiarize with Kahfi, Mathurat. Now I'm trying not to delay my salah. Why I'm telling all this? As a reminder and declaration to myself.

Anything new?
I'm fatter. Hahahaha. A few good thing have been happening lately. My newly revert friend is getting marry this year! I'm so excited about it that I start thinking what clothes should I wear on her ceremony! I feel so happy for her. All good thing keep coming to her after she revert. And I glad she came in my life. She exposed me to see things in a new  perspectives. Alhamdulillah.

Have you ever plan your future?
Well of course! Since high school. Although a few things did happen which is beyond my plan. Allah is a better Planner. And recently I renew a few things in my plan. I hope everything will be fine.

P/s : Too random!!!!!!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Rant : Wedding Fantasy

I'm sure that every girls (and some boys) in this planet have their own dream wedding. Fantasizing our wedding is one of the pleasure we enjoy as a girl precisely a woman. I think men rarely do this. Well, as a woman myself (woman ke?) I do once in a while fantasize about my dream wedding. Every time I think about it, I ended up thinking about the same things over and over.

Private Small Wedding
I dream of having a very private small wedding. Like what Maria Elena did for her Majlis Berinai - Just between closed family and friends. Typical Malay wedding usually invite a huge amount of people for a wedding, the kind that need 3-4 tents or a big hall with a buffet. I plan to go against this custom and do a private wedding, where I invites only a few of my lovely really good friends. Same goes to both my parent and my siblings. If they want to invite someone, they must invite only their really good friend. Why do I plan a private wedding? Because I hate the idea of going to a wedding reception without even meeting the bride and groom or sometimes don't have the chance to meet them at all just because their too busy attending other invites. Plus I could also meet the most important person of my sibling's and parent's life.

A DIY Wedding
As for me, DIY wedding means I get to do most of the decoration by myself/by hand with the help from a few people. This means the wedding will be simple and special handcrafted by me and my family. Thanks to Google and Pinterest, there are a lot of DIY tutorials for Wedding Deco. Plus it don't even cost a fortune! Which means I could save some money!

Enjoyable Wedding
The normal flow of a typical Malay wedding is that you go to the wedding, eat, give your gift, meet and take some photo with the newly-wed (depending on the situation), and go home. That's it. All of this just loops back to the kind if wedding reception that I hate. Since I plan to have a private wedding, the idea of enjoyable wedding is possible. Taken from Maria Elena's Majlis Berinai, she did a Godfather movie theme a.k.a  Mafia theme. I bet they did a few games too with the guests.

Wedding is a very special occasion. And I certainly want to celebrate it with my family and closed friends. They are important to me and I want to share the moment with them.

Do you have a dream wedding? :-)

Sunday, 11 May 2014

25 Habits You Formed in Germany That Will Never Work in Malaysia

I recently read 60 Habits You Formed In Japan That Will Never Work In Your Country from Shen Lim, one of the most famous Malaysian blogger who study in Kyoto, Japan. Although I don't live in Japan which I'm hoping I do, a few things are the same about my life here in Germany. I keep saying the sentences "That's true!" and "Yup, it is!" when I read the article. Thanks Shen for writing it back in English! (the original post is in chinese)

So based on Shen's article, here is my 25 Habits You Formed in Germany That Will Never Work in Malaysia

1. Forgot how to lock the door.
Simply because the nature of the door. Every house's door here lock itself immediately from outside after I close it. You can't open a door from outside without a key although it is not locked.

2. Drink the tap water whenever feel thirsty.
This is usually the case when I travel but at home (for drinking water) I just take the water from the tap and filled it it a water filter before I drink it. I only cook the water when I want to drink hot beverages.

3. Never double check the quality of the purchased product on the spot, even laptop. 
Because if the product has some damages to it, the seller will gladly change and give you a new one without questioning you! I could even return/change the clothes I buy if I don't like it!

4. Never look around while crossing the road.
Because pedestrian ALWAYS has the right-of-way. But be sure to cross the road at zebra crossing

5. Become a Recycle Maniac
Every rubbish here is sorted according to its recycle group. Yellow for the plastic and packaging, blue for paper, dark green for bio-waste (uncooked vegetable & meat), and black for the rest of the waste. Some bottle/glass requires you to refund it at the supermarket. 

6. Started to think that piracy is illegal.
On my behalf, i only do this in Germany since you could be sue for downloading movie and songs through torrent. Malaysia is my download heaven!

7. Bring and empty bottle for toilet use. 
Toilets here don't have any water hose or bidets. the only have toilets paper. The thought of doing one business without any water is for me very unhygienic. So for me is either use any empty bottle I have or a fold-able bottle which I recently bought at a flea market.

8. Think that a clean city is a basic human need.

9. Abandoned the belief of “cheap-things-are-all-bad”. Because Euro Shop things are really cheap but excellent! (Never walk into this kind of shop. You will force yourself to believe that you need an extra calender!)

10. Got used to waiting for public transportation according to the schedule.
They are 99% punctual with a deviation of plus-minus 3-5 minutes in certain cases. 

11. Always wait for people to disembark from from tram/train/subway before getting in.
I did this when I first went to Malaysia after 2 years in Germany. The result : I got pushed and yell "Oi, melanguk apa. masuk la cepat!" (What are you waiting for. Just hurry up and enter the train!) Seriously, I can't survive in Malaysia with this habit especially during peak hours and at busy stations.

12. Never worry even though the bag zip is open. Even leave it at the seat while away to order coffee. 
Most of them just tell me about my unzip bag or kindly zip it for me (rare case). I even left my bag on shopping cart all the time, even when I go to get something.

13. Mixed German word while speaking English or Malay.
I sometime reach to a stage where I can no longer translate the word to Malay. for example Besichtigungstermin

14. Keep saying "Achso" as a response. 
My friend once said " Could you stop that? Its annoying and I don't understand what it means". Some of them even mock me. :-(
"Achso" is equivalent to "Oh, I see..." 

15. Stand by right hand side at the escalator, letting people pass by left hand side.

16. Wait until the light turns green even though there is no cars on the road.
Sadly most pedestrian crossing light in Malaysia don't function very well. And yet the driver blames the pedestrian and vice versa. Huh.

17. Greet Public Servant nicely.
It usually starts with Hallo/Gruß Gott/ Guten Tag and ends with Tschuss followed by Schönen Tag noch or Schönes Wochenende. I once said Hello and Bye to a cashier at Giant and she looked at me weirdly.

18. Never bother about the bills because everything is done online and with standing order every first/last day of the month

19. Don't have cash in wallet because debit card or EC-Karte is widely used

20. DB Navigator become the main app when travelling inside Germany

21. Drinks coffee after every meals.

22. Slowly become a vegetarian or eats only seafood at a restaurant (for Muslim)

23. Eat Chicken and Meat literally everyday because they are cheaper than seafood.

24. Enjoying Student specialty and price.

25. Bring my own bag to supermarket
Because every plastic bags here cost a few cent. If I forget my shopping bag, I usually grab empty box from the milk shelf.

Liebster Award

Well, judging from the name, I guess this award start in Germany.

I don't usually do award, but since the nomination are from my friend Amy, I could make an exception.
Thanks Amy for the award. You are such a sweetheart!

liebster award blogging blogger
Rules of Liebster Award
1) Post a short Q&A about themselves
2) Answer the questions the tagger has asked
3) Create a new list of questions for their own nominees
4) Choose a list of their own nominees and notify them (I'm not going to do this since I'm too lazy. Sorry!)


1. What is the last dream you remember?
I'm sorry. Its a bad dream. I can't tell you. Here's why : Dream in Islam

2. Do you have any pets? if so, what are they and what are their names? if not, what would you want as a pet?
I once own a fish caught by Iqa at a Japanese New Year Festival. I never named it. Sadly it died at the hand of my younger brother when I first came to Germany.

3. What’s a bad habit you have?
Forgetting the task/things I need or should do, excessive talking

4. Who do you trust most in the world?
My BFF, Iqa

5. What’s the last song you listened to?
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Saigo no Ice-Cream (The last ice cream). I first heard this song on her concert in Cologne that I went

6. Favorite way to spend a lazy day
Waste time online, catching up with The Big Bang Theory, Supernatural and Detective Conan, Go for a stroll at Altstadt Nürnberg

7. What are your proudest moment of in your life?
When I confess to my crush face-to-face

8. When did you first fall in love?
Second semester of Form 4 in MRSM

9. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Depend on the situation. I guess I'm quite good at it.

10. What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
"Am I an adult ADHD??"
I took 10 different ADHD online test since a few of my bad habits have been bothering me. Every test diagnose me as an adult ADHD. (Yes, I know that is not a real diagnose. I should see a doctor but seriously to which doctor should I go?)

11. Top 5 movies

How to Train Your Dragon

Red 1 and 2

Ataru : First Love and Last Kill

Ana to Yuki no Joou (Japanese version of Frozen)

Liebster = Sweetheart

Monday, 5 May 2014

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